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Sam D. Mann

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

MLM Lead Generation - The Secret To Sponsoring More People

Without Traffic, Your Business Is Just A Hobby...


I am forever amazed by the number of promotional emails I receive daily. These include dozens and dozens of promises for easy riches, ultimate beach-bum lifestyles and secret loopholes which guarantee success.

By now I think most people in the world know about blogs. What most don't know as there is a great income to be made as well for free.

Rob Benwell is only a mere 24 years old and has already made several million dollars. Early in 2006 he shared his secrets with the world in his highly successful Blogging To The Bank e-book and has made making money online a whole lot easier for everyone.

Just over two years after the success of his first book and over 20,000 copies sold of it and the 2007 2.0 update he is now releasing his third version of Blogging to the Bank helping to keep the big bucks rolling in.

I got this book as soon as I could and it covers quite a lot of new information and techniques to adapt your blog to the new demands of the major search engines. Many of the techniques in the old book are now dated and don't work so well. This is why Blogging To The Bank 2010 is a godsend.

You also get his 5 Blogging Commandments For 2010 that you must follow to give you blogs the greatest success in 2010 and keep them future proofed.

Everything is covered in this new outing that helps bloggers with today's online issues regarding making the all mighty search engines happy.

My Verdict? if you are out there in the blogging world and want to make money the easy way then I highly recommend Blogging To The Bank 2010.

Best wishes

Sam D. Mann

That is it for now. Have a blessed day!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's an excellent article for you to read. Written by one of my many Guest Authors...


MLM Lead Generation - The Secret To Sponsoring More People

by Randy Disert

MLM lead generation is a very hot topic as there are many struggling people doing just that. The truth; however, is that there are many ways to generate leads for your MLM business that are not commonly used in this industry. Lead generation is an important aspect of your business and if you cannot do that you will not have any success whatsoever.

You are most likely taught very old and outdated strategies for your MLM lead generation. Those things include your warm market list, the three foot rule, and maybe even buying generic lead lists. These tactics work for some people. The problem; however, is they they do not work for everyone. Let's face it, you most likely are struggling to see any real success in your business and if you are sponsoring anyone, most of those people are not producing any results.

So what we are going to do is find a way to generate high quality leads; people that are ready to buy and ready to get to work. These are the kind of people you are looking for. You know that the big money and success comes when you can build a very large team of distributors and it takes many energized people to have huge success.

By focusing your marketing efforts on the internet you can learn how to create a large list of leads quickly and easily. Some marketing strategies that you can use include paid and free. The free strategies that you can use include social networking and content These methods have been proven to work and are effective for many people.

When you begin generating leads for your MLM, you should also be able to follow up very easily and on auto-pilot. This will be very simple because you are going to have them opt-in into your newsletter which you will be able to follow up on them with an auto-responder. An auto-responder allows you to follow up with your leads automatically at intervals you decide.

Developing a relationship with your leads is very important and this auto-responder allows you to do that just that. At that point you will be able to market to them anything you would like at anytime you choose. Now you need to be careful in how aggressive your sales approach is through these emails because they will always be given the option of opting out of it. You should also know that you need to be providing some information of value to your prospects for them to want to keep getting your emails. This is the true way to build your business as your list will be your lifeblood and your biggest asset. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use this list for anything you want and you have a list to use to market new products or even if you decide to go to a different MLM company.

MLM lead generation is exceedingly simple when you understand the fundamentals in how to attract your own leads and then follow up with them automatically. As you learn to generate more and more leads every day you can begin to see momentum in your business.

About the Author:


Sam D. Mann here with a Great Tip Of The Day -
Building A Good Flow Of FREE Traffic To Your Website
If it's FREE traffic you need, then use this proprietary method. Nothing else comes close... Get Viral Traffic Dominator Before It's Gone - for FREE

SEO Tip Of The Day.

If your site contains dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a "?" character), make sure you use SEO friendly URLs. Search engine spiders have difficulty indexing dynamic pages.

My thoughts for today...

Remember, no matter what solution you use, you have to drive significant amount of traffic to your pages so your results are relevant.

Another great web page for you to check out and browse through some great articles on...

How To Make Money Online Fast

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