Well done! You have published your website on the Internet. Your work of art is showing off your product that is the coolest thing since sliced bread You're presenting a wonderful sales page. You verified links and browser compatibility ...and everything is working just fine And thus far, you aren't making any sales. Have you asked yourself why? Perchance the answer lies in the fact that, as good as your web page is, nobody realises that it is on the Internet.
Well, what do you do now?
You must get traffic to your website...what I'm saying is, you must get people beating down your front page demanding your product. Rabid buyers with credit cards at the ready must pay a visit to your web page before they will ever be able to to purchase from you.
There are many successful forms of traffic generation, however each of them has to be handled correctly if they are to be profitable.
One high quality traffic source is that of targeted pay-per-click (PPC) traffic. To pick up this traffic, you buy click-thrus from visitors that have searched or clicked on a specific search word that is appropriate to your site and what you have on offer. This traffic is different from search engine referral traffic only in that it is a result of a paid placement, while search engine referrals are generally not from paid placements.
Next to these targeted sources of traffic, are plenty of sources providing untargeted traffic. These embrace exit traffic, pop-up or pop-under traffic, and redirected traffic. Without going into particulars on the variety sources of these forms of traffic, suffice it to say this is generally untargeted traffic. Please note, it is usually both low-cost and is linked with a very low response rate. Non-specific sources of traffic perhaps may be better managed by incorporating a "landing page" that creates a spark of interest in you, or your product, or web site. This Landing Page then directs your visitors to click thru to your web site.
Having (ranted on about targeted traffic|said all of that|probably bored you to death about targeted traffic}, I've got a special weapon waitng for you. It is FREE, and you can get it here...
The author of this article? Highlight and copy the following {include the quotation marks) "Sam D. Mann" Do a Google search. Click on the #1 result and you'll find your FREE Targeted Traffic System waiting for you.