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That is it for the moment. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!
Sam D. Mann
Now then, here's an excellent post for you to read. Written by one of my many Guest Authors...
Discover The Network Marketing Secrets Of The Top Producers In The Industry
You'll find lots of articles out there touting great "network marketing secrets" you should employ to make your business a success. And truly, there are a lot of great ideas out there you can use. We're all looking for them because we want to figure out the best way to create a customer or business associate out of the strangers we encounter online.
So how can you do this successfully? Unfortunately this is the part where most network marketers fail. Once a prospect is in front of them, they immediately turn around and want to sales pitch them.
Unfortunately, for most people a sales pitch is a total turn off. It achieves the opposite effect. You've probably experienced this yourself. Someone starts out by telling you how fantastic a company is and why you should join. Or they put out some kind of "Hurry! We're only extending this special opportunity for a limited time so if you don't join now you're going to lose out!" message. For most people, this only sends up red flags of alarm.
The single best network marketing secret out there is to presell before you ever even think about asking for the sale. There are a couple of gurus out there today who positively excel in teaching this technique. For instance, Mike Dillard, who can be found at Magnetic Sponsoring, and Ann Sieg, who is from Renegade Network Marketer, teach constantly that you must first attract and teach prospects.
Many network marketers don't take their advice. They are too impatient and too eager, and they jump in there and give that sales pitch time and time again. But this is their critical mistake. You can do things differently-and you can succeed using this essential secret to network marketing success simply by following their advice.
Preselling involves taking an interest in educating your prospect. When you do that, you never need to give a sales pitch at all! The relationship evolves naturally and is much stronger than if you tried delivering a sales pitch. Here's how it works when done correctly:
1. Your lead funnel lands a prospect (perhaps someone comes to your landing page).
2. You are contacted by them about your opportunity. Their initial reaction is that you're about to unleash your sales pitch. However, you change everything up and talk to them about how to get from a starting point to their goals.
3. Your messages and communications continue over time, all focused on why the prospect would want to build an online business network and how they can succeed. You never mention your company, an offer, or ways to bring them in as an associate at all. No sales pitch.
4. Following communications conducted over a period of time-usually three weeks or more-the prospect trusts you and understands that you are sincerely interested in helping other people succeed in building an online business. They ask you what online network company you work with. A good number of them will inquire about how they, too, can join in this successful endeavor.
Hopefully, by now you can see why preselling really is the single best network marketing secret. It involves helping other people visualize their own long term goals and begin to create a plan for achieving them. Then they discover that you may be able to help them and come to you to get involved. You never even have to ask for the sale at all!
About the Author:
Here's today's tip from Sam D. Mann at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools
Nothing beats being ready to:
1. Establish profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites primarily based on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and every one of the different search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.
Every one of the steps listed heretofore is vitally important to doing well online and can ultimately determine how much cash you'll earn. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms should be the beginning purpose of your business.
Understand this: People which misunderstand or ignore any of the above points end up pissed off and not making any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points results in the down fall of numerous would-be successful Internet marketers.
Final point. Always ask yourself:
Can I drive traffic to this market?
Can this traffic convert into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion?
SEO Tip Of The Day.
Wordpress & Blogger A blog is a mandatory piece of your online puzzle. Search engines love blogs because they are easy for their spiders to read, they are updated often with content, and are very easy to modify.
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