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Your Life is NOT about working for other people!!! 2 hours from now you can have a cash generating business set up which needs almost no ongoing work.

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Sam D. Mann

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Are You Wondering How To Get Hits For My Website And Increase It's Popularity

"The Reign Of Guru Deception Is Finally Over...
It Took Me 16 Months To Break Free From The Lies They Fed Me And Crack My first $1,000 Click Bank Payday..."


Trying to generate an income online is often a confusing and frustrating experience, but it doesn't have to be.

You Have A Great Opportunity Right Now To Ride...
The new wave of cell phone advertising, this is gonna be huge!

There's hardly any competition and you can acquire clicks at just 4c - I want you to go Watch the second video to see the $2Million Clickbank account

In case you didn't know, there are over 4 billion cell phones in use around the world and their users are a lot more open to ads appearing on their cell phone than they are to ads they come across on the Net.

Broadly speaking, the cell phone is perceived as more private to the person that owns it, after all they stay in touch with family and friends thru it and store contact details of their relations and acquaintances on it as well.

The other great benefit is that cell phone owners take their phones with them every where, which truly widens the period of time that they are free to receive your ad. Learn more here now This is a great opportunity to get in ahead of the rush and start making some serious money.

Today you're going to discover the most effective step-by-step money making system in existence...

This newly discovered cell phone system allows you to tap into the fastest growing income opportunity the planet has ever seen.

Let me fill you in on what's happening...

Mack Michaels, the mastermind behind Maverick Money Makers has just opened up his latest, most exciting course to date. Over the last year or so, over 13,000 people have used Mack's incredible coaching to earn over 2 million bucks as members of Maverick Money Makers.

...And now, he is turning the industry upside down again! Right now, I have one bit of advice for you to follow: Go to this page and find out all the details on his newest course AND coaching club

Dig into your pocket. What do you find? I'll bet you've got a cell phone in there don't you? Well, so do some4.3 billion other people on planet earth...

Imagine being able to contact all 4.3 billion of those people and chat to them? How awfully powerful would that be? This is the future... AdWords and PPC are "so old hat"!...

On average, people look at their cell phones perhaps around 24 times per day, often many more times. Multiply that by the 4.3 billion cell phone users and what do you get? Over 103 Billion times that people around the World look at their cell phones.

What if you could release your sales note straight to their cell phone? There's nothing more personal than a cell phone. And now you can have the exact system that Mack used to create $328,707 in one month using cell phones!

All you have to do is follow the steps he gives you in his step-by-step video training. Even if you can only duplicate 1% of Mack's results that is almost$4k per month! Excited yet? You should be! But, if you are as committed and hard-working as I believe you are, then the sky is literally the limit to what you can earn.

Don't lose out on this. Right now, you can get your hands on his proven system for under $25, which I consider to be complete lunacy... Go to the page right now and find out what all the buzz is about

That's all for now. Mucho success!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's an excellent post for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...


Are You Wondering How To Get Hits For My Website And Increase It's Popularity.

by Yorke McDonald

Since so very many people have websites, many of them might be considering the very simple questions such as "how to get hits for my website." Since so many websites are based around running a home business this simple question might be considered to be a very important one. It is important to take a closer look at this topic.

The first method that will be discussed also happens to be one of the most popular ones. This is the very simple process of having the site registered through a number of very popular search engine websites. Some people can not believe the additional traffic that this method provides. Anytime a person opens a new stop on the web, they should take the time to register it properly.

There is another trick that exists on the web for helping a website increase the amount of traffic that it receives. This would be an advertisement that is often called a link. These links exist for the purpose of web surfers not only noticing them but using them to click through to a website. The clever placement of such links can really boost traffic.

There are such a great deal of people who are not aware of the simple advantage that they could receive when they advertise their website in some kind of actual print based publication. While there are people who consider such a method to be outdated, it really can be very effective with the type of results it provides. So many people who take a little time to think back will realize that some of the first websites that they visited were advertised in this way.

Old fashion word of mouth should not be discounted when a person wants to increase their level of web traffic. This old fashion form of grass roots style publicity might not be quite as effective as some of the other forms but still works very well. You might even be surprised by the additional traffic that word of mouth through the local public could earn you.

There are a great deal of social networking websites that offer several really great advantages for the person who wants to better promote their own website. One of the most useful advantages is the ability to send electronic invitations to a large community of people, so that they might visit your website. This is one of the most popular methods to come along in the past couple of years and it has changed the world of marketing.

Now that you are more familiar with some of the methods that could be used to answer your question of "how to get hits for my website", you might want to begin doing some more research on some of them. When you start actually practicing these things you'll realize that your traffic is increasing and the popularity of your website is growing a great deal because of it.

About the Author:


Sam D. Mann here with a Useful Tip Of The Day -
Nothing beats being able to:
1. Identify profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites based mostly on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and all the alternative search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Each of the steps listed above is vitally important to doing well online and will ultimately determine how much money you'll be able to earn. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms ought to be the starting point of your business.

Be familiar with this: People that misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up annoyed and not bringing in any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points results in the down fall of countless would-be successful Internet marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
Can I drive traffic to this market?
Could this traffic translate in affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the worth of a conversion? More Tips can be found at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

SEO Tip Of The Day.

Wordpress has an auto-ping feature and it will ping for you automatically. Hosted blogs do not. These pings will have you listed in the largest blogging directories online.

My thoughts for today...

The truth is... Most Internet marketing failures happen because marketers don't know what they're doing.

A great web page for you to check out and read some great articles on...

Internet Marketing Marketing Strategies Tips And Tools

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