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Sam D. Mann

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Can You Succeed In A MLM Network Marketing Business?

You May Be Earning Some Money Online Already, But Who Doesn't Want More?
Using These Secrets Will Take You Beyond Your Current Highest Earning Point.


Stop Right There: If you're like 99.99% of online marketers then you're spending far, far more than you make. So if you want to change your luck and you want to do it without Adwords, without lots of work and without all those idiotic, worthless "make money" scam systems... what you're about to read is perhaps the "Golden Ticket" you've been looking for...

Did you know studies have shown a person's income is somewhat approximately that of their ten best friends?

Really... Do you believe that? Still, it makes you think, doesn't it!

Let me take you back a bit in a time frame of my lifespan...

My early days in the British Army were rough and tough - until I learned that I could pick up priceless tips and techniques from my "superiors in rank" if I chose to hang out with them! Tips and tricks which I consider were invaluable in my climb up the promotion ladder. And this reminded me of the saying "Birds of a feather flock together"!

A few of my fellow "Privates" called this kind of "hanging out with superior officers" - "plain arse-licking!"... They generally speaking snubbed their noses at anybody doing that sort of thing.

But guess what? Soon after I began to take action on those tips and tricks that I had picked up - I got promoted. And it wasn't long after that I began moving up the ladder.

Now, I do not like to boast... (it is just not my style), but things improved a LOT for me over the subsequent years as I climbed up the ladder.

I had the cash to eat at some of the best restaurants, see the latest movies, enjoy great rock concerts... etc.. Yep my spending money increased noticeably with every step up the promotion ladder.

So what is the point I am trying to make?

My early friends in the army, who hung out only with their friends of like rank invariably never got promoted and indeed did not make it to the top of the pile! So, they were all enjoying more or less the same level of pay, even as mine increased to approximate that of those I chose to hang out with.

So, since my pay increased, did my friends change?

Yes. I began "mentoring" soldiers of subordinate rank who wanted to improve themselves through learning from a person who had "made it" up the ladder.

And I managed to help them change their incomes and lifestyles for the better.

Some got paid a LOT more, some made a little more and some made less than I did... The principal thing to note is this:

If you would like to improve an important area of your life or behavior etc., then single out a person or business template that is doing well in the area you want to be successful in.

The only (but most significant) thing you still have to do is for you to take action on all the stuff you gathered from the person or business template.

Be Warned... The 2 greatest causes of failure to make money online fast are:
1. Not taking action
2. Information overload

ONE thing I have learnt is:
Success is based on copying a successful system, NOT by trying to be a rocket scientist inventing the new wheel.

To put the "copying bit" it in a nutshell... Follow all given advice "to the letter".

On the subject of financial independence, one of the programs that I have successfully used to make money online fast is copyNprofit. And yes, I am using it as I write this article!

Not only does copyNprofit provide the user with a well drawn road map, it even does most of the work for them. And you could be learning about how to put it to use and start making money online fast in under an hour.

So why am I inviting you to buy copyNprofit?

1Plain and simple - It works
2. Just like in my army days, having climbed the ladder, it is now my turn to pass on the useful tips and techniques for climbing up the ladder, to those who are wanting to do better for themselves.

You see, once someone gives you a helping hand to start producing profits on autopilot, you will want to do the same for every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mary that crosses your path.

Your Key to Internet Riches is Helping Others Stake Their Claim

Yeah, sure there are a million-and-one products onlne offering to help you make money online fast. Some are authentic and some are utter scams that help you lose your money fast. So how would you recognize which successful program to decide on?

The short answer is: Do a research on the individual that is marketing the product or service.

Do a search on their names. Do a background search of their website that is advertising the product. Check to see how well their web page ranks in the search engines. And lastly check to see how well-liked the product or service is with buyers. Verify the authenticity of any stated "Guarantees". (Note you would certainly have your money refunded if the product is obtained through ClickBank.)

Buy the product only when you're satisfied on all counts AND you are mentally geared up to TAKE ACTION on ALL that you be taught from the course, eBook, DVD, software - whatever it is that you'll be learning from. Be Geared up to TAKE ACTION.

OK. After you stat to make money online fast, what will you do?

What will be your legacy in this world? Are you looking to just make money online fast by treading on any and everyone's toes while on your way to attaining that goal of making money online fast?

Or, will you stand like an "upright" person and deal justly in all that you do with your fellow marketers?

And will you be prepared to freely hand on the tips, tricks, shortcuts, knowledge etc., to those new in the business. If so, how many people will you help?

My final note...
3% of people have a net worth of $1 Million or more the other 97% work to make them even richer! Tired of hanging around with the 97%? Being a 3%'er is simply a CHOICE... Click here go Copy N Profit To your heart's Desire >>>

OK, I'm nearly through. You're in all probability wondering who is Sam D. Mann?

Well, highlight and copy the following phrases in quotes (including the ") Then do a Google search on:"Sam D. Mann" "reviewed by Sam D. Mann" "affiliate marketing strategies tips and tools"

After you have done that, you may possibly know more about me than I know about myself. LOL.

The End of Your Quest To Find "The Secret" that will help you make money online fast...
Click here to go Copy N Profit To your heart's Desire >>>

That's all for the time being. Enjoy life!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a great article for you to read. Written by one of my many Guest Authors...


Can You Succeed In A MLM Network Marketing Business?

by Randy Disert

Recession has not marked business MLM network marketing in a too negative sense, but the news we get from TV and newspapers can be really confusing. The truth is that some of us don't know what being in recession means. Yet, we clearly understand that we need extra revenue sources when bills are too numerous and cumbersome for the actual budget. Hence, we start looking for new financial opportunities and try to exploit them at the maximum.

The only condition for business MLM network marketing to be successful in times of crisis is that you work for the right company, promoting the right product. Moreover, if you time your business development well, you create the main premises for success. Convince people that you satisfy one of their needs and they'll buy more easily. And here we get to the major product difference, is your product 'nice to have' or a 'must have'?

People will always be more susceptible to needs than to whims in times of recession, and it is on this idea that you need to support your business MLM network marketing approach. Then, there are two directions you need to cover: downlines recruitment and the creation of the retail customer base. Special efforts become necessary for both situations, meaning that you have to strive hard to develop as a retailer and also earn money from downlines.

Business MLM network marketing could be a solution to generate extra revenue in a very uncertain period of time. You may even convince more aspirants to support your multi-level marketing efforts, and join the program. Nevertheless, business details have a way of overwhelming new distributors. They will have to learn what tools to use, what marketing systems to implement and how to rely on technologies to improve their activity.

Be ready to invest time and effort in the training of your downlines. You cannot make money out of business MLM network marketing unless you work consistently. This means that for at least thirty days you will have to go through a process of training to allow the new marketer to catch the basics of the system. The amplitude of the processes and strategies is too great for one to handle them individually. Therefore, assistance from the main network marketer to the downline becomes essential.

About the Author:


Sam D. Mann here with a Quick Tip Of The Day -
There are lots of Wordpress plugins you can utilize to obtain automatic content, increase the performance of your Blog, as well as getting it listed in the search engines. Here are 2 Incredibly Powerful & Profitable WordPress Plugins That Could
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SEO Tip Of The Day.

The keywords Meta Tag must be 15-20 words maximum and optimize pages with Headings (H1, H2, H3..) containing your site's primary keywords. Your Meta tag description should be 160-180 characters, including spaces. (about 25-30 words)

My thoughts for today...

You want to achieve more sales? Look carefully at this: Bing keeps showing its capacity to drive Google from a technology point of view, I decided to steal a look and get the drift on how the numbers were performing. As it turns out, Bing's users are still clicking on adverts at a remarkable rate! As a point of fact, the CTR of users that go to the Chitika network via Bing is greater than 75% higher than those who come from Google.

Another great web site for you to check out and browse through some of the best articles on...

How To Make Money Online Fast

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