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Your Life is NOT about working for other people!!! 2 hours from now you can have a cash generating business set up which needs almost no ongoing work.

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Check the *SHOCKING* video now!

Sam D. Mann

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Proof That Article Marketing Can Help You Make Money Online Fast

Watch Saj's video of the $100k+ account that was frozen by a CPA Network because they thought he was up to no good.

You see, they could not believe the figures

There are also a number of video testimonials to check out from very happy beta testers and just look at those huge earnings!!

As you know, I'm usually very cynical and that's perhaps why I'm a little late with this, but... I just got super excited about the results I'm getting.

If you've been toying with the idea of a new car, then it's definitely on the cards now. :) - if you use it to its full capability!

Zero Friction Marketing is live and I'm using it right now

Get in yourself over there and watch the video of Saj'z frozen account

You would be mad not to get this system right now, if you are tired of not taking in anything online or having to pay Google throug hthe nose or ride the wave of organic rankings to get anywhere... then get this system now.

The only downside is perhaps: Will you be able to download 30+ videos and focus on what you are shown - the exact steps of how to make money online fast with CPA marketing.

Go make some hard cash today ... and every day from now on.

Take into account we are in the early stages of what is the BIGGEST buying season. Set yourself up now to net some of that cash that will be spent. Get the tools that will help you. Zero Friction Marketing is the best of the CPA courses offered on the Internet.

That is it for the moment. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a brilliant article for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...


Proof That Article Marketing Works

by Nigel Evans

If you have taken a look at article marketing and cannot understand the reasoning behind it, you are not alone. If you wonder how a 500 word piece can make any difference at all from an Internet marketing and search engine optimization point of view, you need to realize that it is all based around a value proposition. In other words, the item has to have meaningful content and be informative and educational. If this is the case, those who read it will create an active flow back to your website.

It is not possible to judge it over the short term and this is why some people just do not believe that article marketing works. They point to initiatives like pay per click, where you can set up an account and be seeing results within a day or so of commencement. However, article marketing requires you to assess its results over a much longer time period.

There are a large number of article directories on the Internet and they are often ranked according to their importance by the search engines. You will often be able to search and find your articles within prominent positions on search engine results pages. This is because the engines themselves view certain directories from a position of authority. In addition, many people go directly to the better directories to search for articles directly within.

On a daily basis, there are many millions of individual searches through Google, Yahoo and other engines. When people search, they look for information based on highly targeted keywords and phrases. To them, well-written articles are excellent sources of information. To enable you to get your information in front of the searchers, you should make sure that your articles are distributed to as many useful places around the web as you can.

If you give it a good chance, article marketing works extremely well. Put together informative, enlightening and educational items on a regular basis and don't worry if you are not very good at writing as there are excellent resources available throughout the web. Look for ghostwriters who will research keywords, the articles themselves, write the originals and variants and take on the entire process of distribution and article marketing.

When the major search engines are deciding the relevance of your site, they often place great emphasis on the number of back links. This has led some webmasters to employ the services of link farms, and other questionable methods to build a huge number of back links artificially. Search engines are aware of this kind of behavior. They will give you great recognition, however, to back links that come from relevant sites and any links that you receive through the publication of your articles on authority directory sites will help you to score.

Go to if you want to see whether article marketing works. Have a quick look round and you will see thousands of articles that are all developed for search engine optimization purposes and have links back to the individual sites.

Anyone involved in internet marketing and in the generation of traffic to a website online should consider article marketing. In addition to the direct and indirect benefits, through a concerted effort you can establish your organization and your author name as a trusted expert in your niche.

About the Author:


Hi, it's Sam D. Mann here.

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Quick Note 1.
A great web page for you to check out
Just what is the Google Snatch Ultimatum - Go here to find out

Quick Note 2.
Another great site for you to check out and read some of the best articles on How To Make Money Online Fast

Quick Note 3.
Check out this Blog for great articles and leave a comment to get backlinks to your site


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