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Sam D. Mann

Friday, October 16, 2009

Increase Link Popularity And Make Money Fast Online

About once every couple of years a great course is brought to the marketplace the general public. One which answers a ton of the queries which I personally had after I first started marketing online some years ago.

After I first began my online promoting career, I had heard that affiliate marketing was the "way to get cash online fast". I'm sure that you have possibly heard that statement before!. Maybe even from me!! But ,, with that said, once I first started marketing on-line,I had really no clue about how to:
1. Create an internet site that I can use to promote someone else's product
2. Locate a product to market that actually converted into sales
3. Get traffic to my web site so somebody would see what I was promoting ...
and I can go on, and on.

Nowadays, I am always reading some "crap" in forums from people spouting off, "All you have to do is surf to and look for products with "good" sales letters." And by that they mean, products that appear attractive and would be ones that you could get yourself!!

Then, they assert you may head over to Google Adwords and start advertising the chosen Clickbank product.

Then you've got to work out which keywords are producing you sales and which ones are notaren't.

Then throw out the ones that are not.

After that, you just let your campaigns run on "auto-pilot" and you may be rich...

Ha, Ha, Ha...

Perhaps you have heard that garbage as well. And maybe you've even tried it. I know I did. And, I'm certain I do not have to tell you that such techniques clearly doesn't work.

Anyway, let's be honest here. People ARE producing a ton of cash as affiliates solely promoting products. I know this for a fact. So, how they are doing it is the question...

Possibilities are, they're either using the strategies taught in a new course called "The Google Sniper" system, or several type of variation of it. I know this method works. I have many of the "auto-pilot" systems set up.

Actually, I build a little web site as an affiliate marketer, marketing products. Anyway, back to the course I am referring to. It's called Google Sniper.

The course is VERY good and not expensive. Much of what's taught is what I do. And a number of which were totally new to me. Oh, and I almost forgot to say that the techniques taught do not use Google Adwords! Thus, if you dislike or aren't terribly good at using Google Adwords, this is good for you.

Ok, sorry for the long, drawn out spiel. I sometimes ramble a bit when I get excited about things I love. blah blah blah...

Anyway, you can grab a copy of the course here: =>

This course is GOOD for you if any of these sounds like:
1. You are not terribly good with the idea of using Google Adwords
2. Can't appear to obtain profitable Clickbank goods to market
3. Have tried "affiliate marketing" but perhaps purely made some dollars, if any at all!
4. Get bored with things and jump from project to project quite mostly
5. Spend time browsing forums. Try and do stuff you read about but never seem to totally work for you.

This maybe is a BAD fit for you if you:
1. Are already a "super affiliate" using your own systems successfully.
Aspect Note!!
If something's running things for you, then do not go chasing when another strategy. "Don't fix what ain't broken" :-)
2. Are too unmotivated to follow directions or browse an eBook.

Thus there you've got it. You can check out the brand new course here: =>

That is it for now. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's an escellent article for you to read...


Careful Methods Will Increase Link Popularity

by Winson Yeung

Success on the Internet can be like a major military campaign. Without a clear strategy and rapid-responsive tactics, your adversaries will mow you down in the search engine rankings. So set out to increase link popularity.

You can start by checking your link popularity score through several search engines, but don't be dismayed when you get different results. That's because each search engine uses its own algorithm (a process of step-by-step computations) to determine its rankings. In each instance, however, two measurements figure into link popularity: the number of links to your web site, and the importance of the sites that link to yours.

In most cases, however, your link popularity rating is made up of two measures: a mathematical evaluation of the importance of the sites linking to you, and the number of sites that link to yours.

Link importance ranks what kind of external websites link to yours. Link popularity counts up how many sites link to yours. These factors go into the algorithm that creates a link popularity score that's weighted, rather than a raw count. This weighted ranking came about after search engine designers realized that spammers were skewing the ratings by setting up phony websites to link up with. These days reputable search engines rarely count links that come from free web sites.

Link importance comes in for criticism from time to time, based on the fact that even though it's computed mathematically, at some point a human makes a subjective judgment as to which sites are "important." You may have 2, 500 devoted fans who think your film criticism site rocks their world, but unless one of their links is from Entertainment Weekly, you're not going to increase link popularity.

1. Get listed in search engine directories, especially the Open Directory Project at dmoz. Org. ODP aims to be the definitive search engine directory and it's maintained not by algorithms, but by volunteer human editors (surprise!). Yahoo. Com operates another human-edited directory that's highly valued. Be patient once you submit your site; it can take a while to get listed, since each site is viewed and evaluated by a Real Live Human. For faster listing, get placed with a niche directory specific to your keywords. You can find these by searching your web site's primary keywords.

* Earn listings by submitting your site to search engine directories such as the Open Directory Project (dmoz. Org) and Yahoo. Com. Volunteer human editors run these directories, and they look at each site and evaluate it individually. It's a great part of the democratic process that is the Internet. However, like democracy, getting listed on a directory like this can be a slow process. If you want a quick boost, find some niche directories that match up with your content focus. Use your keywords to locate them, and then use keywords again to qualify your site for the niche.

2. Remember the number-one rule of the Internet: Content is King. Without quality content, your site isn't worth the seven seconds it takes to load. Users certainly won't link to a dud site, so work hard on bright content. And don't forget the mighty keywords!

3. Find highly ranked sites related to your specialty and trade links with them. Remember, they need the links as much as you do. It's a mutual thing. Assure your click-throughs with short descriptions of your content.

Yes, the Internet is definitely hot and crowded, so learn to use its techniques effectively to increase link popularity and get the attention you need.

About the Author:


Hi, it's Sam D. Mann here.

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Quick Note 1.
A great web page for you to visit
for some great product reviews

Quick Note 2.
A great website for you to visit and read some of the best articles on How To Make Money Online Fast

Quick Note 3.
Check out this Blog for great articles and leave a comment to get backlinks to your site


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