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Sam D. Mann

Monday, October 26, 2009

Use Bing Search Engine To make Money Online Fast

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Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a brilliant article for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...


Bing Search Engine Optimization Made Easy

by Michael Fleischner

Now that new search engines like Bing are being talked about more readily, its clear that people want to know how to optimize for Microsoft's latest introduction to search. Those who visit Bing will find that the site provides general search and a category search. Other than a change in look and feel the search engine doesn't appear to have a lot behind it. However, Microsoft has reported a more intelligent search engine and new search experience.

You might be asking yourself, what does Bing mean for my website and how can I ensure that my web site is found? I have been receiving a number of inquiries from individuals who are concerned that their website will lose ranking based on this new search. I have begun to research Bing as a search engine and found out that much of it's methodology for ranking is similar to that of Google.

A common method of evaluating how search engine algorithms work is to do an in depth analysis of top performing sites for given keywords. This allows you to evaluate commonalities and also differences that may account for differences in ranking. Based on my own side by side comparisons and additional in depth research among others in the search engine optimization community, it's pretty evident that web site age, in bound links, and other criteria are important to the Bing search algorithm.

After doing just a small amount of investigation it's clear that Bing is using criteria such as in bound linking to evaluate the appropriateness of a given site related to a search term. Consistent with other search enginemethodologies, in bound linking shows which sites are popular and worth of top rankings. Focus your SEO efforts on link building to do well in Google and other search engines like Bing.

Organic search should be at the top of your list. If it is then you know where you need to focus, inbound linking. If you haven't already focused your efforts on organic search then start with on page optimization. Once your site is formatted appropriately, start with off page optimization and link building.

In addition to focusing on the before mentioned items for influencing search results on Bing and other search engine, consider the value of content. Having fresh content on your site that is engaging and current matters a good deal to search engines seeking to find the most relevant and meaningful content. Keep your eye on developing quality content and updating it on a regular basis.

Optimizing your website requires a good deal of attention to search engine optimization basics. By focusing on what you can control, creating engaging content and producing a website that is easily crawled by search engines, you go a long way in developing a Bing friendly site. In addition, you move closer towards improving your rankings for all major search engines.

About the Author:


Hi, it's Sam D. Mann here.

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